Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Let Go Or Be Dragged

Whoa! This magnet in a cute little shop in Rhode Island stopped me in my tracks. I burst out laughing, then realized "Letting go" has been something that has been in my peripheral vision all year, something that I focus on now and then. So I ask the Captain Obvious Question, "Let go of what?" Here are some of the answers that came to mind:

1. Too much stuff. As I wrote in my last post, too many things taking up my space are irritating me. Some of it is entangled in emotional attachment but as I've begun to wrap my brain around the freedom of letting go, I'm feeling a new ease in, well, letting things go. I am looking forward to the space I create and the welcoming in of what? How about THE FUTURE. 

2. Judgement. Oh, this is such a gift. I can recalibrate my thinking pretty quickly when it comes to most people. But when it comes to family, it has taken me more time and effort to get to this place of non-judgement. I'm learning to let go of wishing they understood me, really knew me, shared my values, didn't judge me. But I can't change them. I  can accept them as they are and relax in the cushy hammock of my own truth. The flip side is compassion, a handy "tool" I use when I feel the judgement beast sneakin' in. We all have our struggles.

3. Expectations/Control. A wise person I once knew used to say "Hope is for losers." Ouch. This person had a dark sense of humor but a generous heart. And I think this was a caustic way of saying we  really don't know what will happen with our best laid plans. I may expect Uncle Ed to be critical of his sister, as he has done every Christmas that I can remember. Then one year, he doesn't. People change. Life is filled with change. I planned a life with someone. Then they died. Not what I expected and out of my control. At first I hoped for more control over my life because life had whacked me too damn hard. But I know now that's a waste of energy and a misery-generator. So I hold onto the handle of life and let the wind carry me, with my feelings as my guide and no one at the wheel of control. Well, most of the time. 


  1. Such wise words in Let Go Or Be Dragged. By life. Or a horse. Or a friend bent on self destruction. Or a relationship that is toxic. Or a riding mower headed towards the pond... well, never mind about that last one.

  2. While all three points are very relevant, that last one really hit me. Like a 2x4. Change is coming and who knows where we'll end up. Love reading your posts.
