I have too much stuff.
1. Toys & puppets. Just in case a kid comes over, they'll be entertained. (Isn't that what the pool
table's for? It's the perfect toddler's toy - colors, patterns, noise.)2. Clothes. I crave variety (but seem to wear the same thing over and over again.)
3. Recipes I want to try. (There are so many that I can't even look at that pile without reaching for matches.)
4. Books on finance. (I'll have a brain transplant one day and finally understand them.)
5. Big scary man tools. One day I'll learn to use them. (Yeah, like when they invent flexible steel gloves, heck, A BODY SUIT, so I don't cut something off.)
6. Costumes out the wah-zoo. Because
one day and I'll have to outfit all my friends.
(Laugh, but I have been known to do this.)
7. Gigantic painter's easel. Not totally out there since I am an artist. (There's no way to get it's humongousness up into my studio.)
8. Full tilt workout bench and weights. (We all know this dream, right?)
9. My mother's baby clothes. Quaint, sentimental. (I can hear all these women saying, "Awwwww.")
In my defense, most of these things are not in my living space, crowding me out. But I do feel the urge to purge. And if you haven't guessed by now, listing these things publicly is a way for me to begin to bust a move. I think I'll hold onto the accordion, though - doesn't God bless the peacemakers?