Today I woke up happy. Peaceful contentment. It's as though all the big and little pieces of my past aligned into this great big blob of gratitude.
I put on my warm clothes and walked with Little Big Dog into the snowy woods: sunshine, a sky so incredibly blue, it was hard to believe, the tree trunk shadows patterning the snowy path. I thought "I love my life." Then the little nagging voices started.
Oh, COME ON!!!! Can't I just have some peace for a while??? They attempted to sour my mood by picking apart what I'd done the night before. Enter my gremlins Assumption, Self Doubt and Worry. They began spinning their tales in my mind, their voices so familiar. But this time, I shut them up fast - I changed my attention to the beauty around me. The NOW. The HERE. On this path in the woods. With my dog. Peace. Contentment. Gratitude. It worked. They shut up!
I wonder why I could finally make this switch so quickly? Maybe it's because last week I let those three have their way with me for 2 days straight, sending me into a mental tailspin of believing Worry and Self Doubt all based on what Assumption had to say.
Maybe it's because I am an artist with a large capacity to imagine. And sometimes imagine the worst. (It turned out, what I had imagined last week was total bullshit.)
Maybe it's because I had spent the day before in my studio with 4 friends who are all artists. We all felt the nourishment of learning, sharing and creating around the printing press.
Maybe it's because I am savoring the unfolding of a friendship with a man I am not afraid to be myself with.
Maybe it's witnessing a coaching client shift towards happiness.
Maybe it's that I'm living my life on my own terms.
All the life junk that used to send me diving under the covers still comes and goes. But I'm making great progress. Gratitude really is the path to joy. It creates a warm inner flame no gremlin can stand up to.