One late August night, under the covers with my laptop, I
registered for The Luscious, Creative Comfort Retreat at Kripalu, a yoga and
health center. I was excited to
meet the effervescent and wise facilitator, Jennifer Louden. And The Bona Fide
Butterflies, my cohorts in designing programs for women, would soon be planning
our January winter retreat, Turning Inward. I thought it would be great to
experience a retreat as a participant rather than facilitator.
What I didn’t expect was the enormous resistance I felt the
week before. Those annoying voices in my head saying things like “You don’t need this.” and “Stop looking at other people’s ways of
doing things and trust yourself.” “You
can’t afford it – it’s not too late to cancel!” Even “My animals will miss me too much.” (?!?!) I got into a funk,
didn’t want to go. What I knew deep down was that I was afraid. But off I went
That’s when my tears started, no sobbing,
just a steady flow down my face. Off switch broken. Crying because I was crying. But I was held in a safe place by a group of women who were there, not to fix me but to listen, to witness. No judgment. Jennifer had set it up this way. My fears surfaced, I got to look them squarely in the eye and say, “Thank you for thinking you’re keeping me safe but you are also keeping me from growing. From standing in my truth. Please move over.”
With kindness.
To myself.
As Jennifer told us, a retreat is a chance to slow down and
hit the reset button. I’ve come back into my life with a better understanding
of self-acceptance and trust in myself. My Retreat has turned into My Advance. Two
steps forward. yeah, there will be one step back but I keep collecting tools to get back
on track sooner. And there are always those luscious retreats to sign up for.
Under the covers.